Looking after your vehicle: a guide to car maintenance
To get you safely from A to B, it’s important to look after your car and make sure it’s in a good, roadworthy condition. We’ll help you get to grips with your car maintenance and give you an idea of what kind of car insurance is right for you.
Is car maintenance worth the effort?
When should I worry about car maintenance?
You’ll want to pay particular attention to your vehicle at the change of seasons as road conditions worsen and can become slippery or uneven in winter, making them dangerous to drive on. Older cars, especially, need that extra bit of care and attention to check they’re happy before you get behind the wheel.
Always check the condition of your car before long journeys, too, to make sure it’s safe and up to the challenge. If your vehicle’s been left standing for a while, it’s also worth giving it a good check over to make sure it’s still fit to drive.
Where can I check my car?
Can I look after my car maintenance myself?
Knowing how to take care of your car doesn’t come easy to many drivers and certain maintenance checks, such as wheel alignment, servicing , bodywork or your MOT, should be carried out by a professional.
Our car maintenance tips can build your confidence and help you look after the health of your vehicle yourself but if you have major concerns, always put your own safety first and leave it to the experts
What should be in a car maintenance checklist?
Regular car maintenance can help keep your car safe on the road and avoid breakdowns. The most common causes of breakdowns include:
- Faulty car battery
- Lost car keys
- Damage to wheels or tyres
- Engine oil
- Faults in the alternator

Our car maintenance top tips:
Bonus tip to keep you safe on the road
Make sure your car insurance is working for you and refresh yourself on the conditions of your policy.
Are you still under the maximum covered miles as stated in your policy? Could you benefit from more insurance coverage? It’s essential you keep your car running smoothly and you have an insurance policy that offers the best possible protection.
With Allianz car insurance you manage your policy yourself online and our two cover levels make it easy to choose the right option for you. Trust us to keep car insurance simple.