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All businesses are open to risk if they don't have the correct level of insurance for their needs and may be at risk of financial hardship as a result.

Here are some considerations SMEs can take to help avoid being underinsured.

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Index linking is the amount applied to insurance policies by insurers, designed to safeguard the sum insured against changes in the economic environment.

It's commonly used in buildings insurance to calculate the difference between the sum insured and a property’s rebuild value, which may be out of line if inflation and other economic factors such as the cost of living, rise.

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The cost of living is at an all-time high and as a result we’re seeing evidence of businesses either reducing their cover, or cutting it completely. BIBA’s 2023 Manifesto, states that in the past year, 51% of businesses have stopped buying at least one insurance cover.
two women working at an sme retail shop
This guide explains why getting the right level of insurance is vital; what might cause underinsurance; and how to assess levels of cover for buildings, contents, business interruption, liability and cyber.
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The current market conditions mean customers are faced with a rising cost of insurance due to a combination of indexation and rate strengthening across the market. Whilst both of these factors increase the cost of insurance for a customer, it’s important to remember that they are applied for different reasons.
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Insurance is a key purchase for businesses and getting the right amount of cover is critical for your customers. Finding out at the point of claim that cover is insufficient and that they are underinsured, can have devastating consequences.

Here are 10 things you could consider with your customers to help them avoid being underinsured.

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Whilst breaking a record is generally cause for celebration, there’s been little to celebrate about the recent record inflation rates in the UK. In September, UK inflation reached its highest level for 40 years.

In this article, we explain what the impacts are on the insurance industry and how it impacts customers, with a case study example.

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Price increases and inflation are inextricably linked to indexation, which is used by the insurance industry to help customers avoid the risk of underinsurance.

We look at the factors influencing indexation and the importance for customers of making certain that they're adequately insured.

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Whilst Underinsurance is by no means a new concern for the insurance industry, the combined effects of Brexit and Covid-19 have served to shine a spotlight on this issue.

As we emerge from lockdown, we consider how insurance requirements have been shaped by recent events.

woman at desk on a zoom call
Following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020, UK business owners are still adjusting to the new rules and regulations, and considering both the potential short and long-term implications for their organisations. In this article we take a look at some of the key areas which are likely to be impacted by Brexit, plus the role of the insurance industry in helping businesses to navigate ‘the new normal’.
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As the economic environment shows more signs of stress and strain, the insurance industry must take steps to highlight the issue of underinsurance along with the potential implications, and ensure the principles and pitfalls are understood.

Watch our webinar where we disucssed how the current pandemic has created challenges for businesses against an already unstable economic backdrop.

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Listen to our podcast, with Steph McGovern, to gain expert insight into what can be done to reduce the occurence of underinsurance.
avoiding underinsurance podcast preview

When the worst happens, telling a client that they were underinsured is likely to be hard news to deliver.

We explain how brokers can help ensure that companies are adequately insured. Discussing underinsurance and its implications

It is important for customers to have the correct sums insured so they are fully protected in the event of a loss or damage. The individual circumstances for each customer will vary; however, our guide covers most customer needs.
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